Understanding the Object Properties

Object Properties is a box with a variety properties for the objects.
By Default, the Object Property does not appear when we first time open the CorelDraw. It only appear if we right click the object and choose the object property. Or, we can open it from menu bar windows > dockers > object properties
The Object properties is one of the important things in COrelDraw. In here, we can found the  :

1. Fill object properties, 
 We can modify fill color the active object choosen with this.Here, we find the Fill Type popup that include : No fill, Uniform fill, Fountain fill, Pattern Fill, Postscript Fill, Texture Fill.
a. No FIll : it means we does not give any color to object(s), this means as same as 100% transparent
b. Uniform Fill : it means we give a color to the object(s), color will be spread evenly to the object(s.
c. Fountain fill : The color will be given a color gradient from the initial to the final color.
d. Pattern Fill : the object color will be given according to the pattern we choose.
e. Postscript Fill : almost the same as the fill pattern, but the color patterns using the postscript file that we load.
f. Texture Fill : almost the same as the fill pattern, but the color patterns using the bitmap like that we load.
No Fill option

Uniform Fill

Fountain Fill

Pattern Fill

Postscript Fill

Texture Fill

2. the outline fill
The Outline Fill
 The Outline Fill  is object properties to control the line of each object. It contains many style of line for modification.
Width : to change the how big thickness the line.
Color : to change the color of line
Style : use this to change the style color line.

3. general object properties,
It only show the information about the objects. Can to modify the wrap paragraph style.

General Object properties

4. detail object properties
 Detail objects properties provides information about the active selected object : selection width, selection height, selection center, and rotation center. 
Detail Properties

5. internet object properties,
it provides the internet link about the active objects selected.

6. rectangle object properties

Rectangle object properties

if you want make some modification your object with corner roundness, you can find in here. Just set the number in here, live preview  applied directly to the object.

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